Yucca Cane Tree
☀️ Light
Yucca trees prefer bright indirect light, but it can tolerate lower light areas as well. It may take a little time to adapt and growth with slow.
💦 Water
Water when the soil is dry 50-75% of the way through the pot.
Water the entire surface of the soil thoroughly until water comes out of the drainage hole at the base of the pot, and allow to drain for 15-20 minutes in a sink or tub.
This is very important: never let your plant sit in water or soggy soil, as it can lead to root rot.
🐈 Pets
This plant is mildly toxic if ingested. Symptoms include mouth and stomach irritation. Me-OW!
🧐 Common issues
Yellow Leaves
A typical reason for yellow leaves in this plant is while it's adapting to a new environment, particularly one with lower light.
During this acclimatization period, older leaves (lower down on the plant) will yellow and eventually fall off as the plant is not able to support as many as it could in high light environment of the greenhouse. This will eventually slow and then stop entirely.
You can remove these yellow leaves with a clean scissors or by pinching them from the base with your fingers. This will not cause the plant any harm, but be sure not to remove more than 20% of the plant's leaves at once.
Brown Leaf tips
The most common cause for this is excess minerals in your tap water.
Try using filtered water or let your watering can or jug sit with water in it overnight before watering. This helps get rid of excess minerals in tap water that can cause brown tips.
If you don't like the appearance of the brown tips, you can trim the edges of the leaves with a clean scissors. This will not cause the plant any harm, but be sure not to remove more than 20% of the plant's leaves at once.